
Match Review 24th Sec : VS Tochigi SC at Kanseki Stadium on July 14

Okayama 1  Tochigi 1

The total attendance:6,211


This sec, Fujita and Hayakawa were back in the starting line-up. Kimura was on the reserve list. He was expected to conclude the game when coming in.

Right after the kickoff, Tanaka and Yanigi made an attempt restpectively, but those were both blocked by the opponent. In the 3rd minute, a free kick was given to the visitors, but Tagami's strike was off target. In the 11th minute, Abe almost found the net. Right after that, Hayakawa was not able to open the score. Afterwards, Okayama struggled to have more ball possession. In the 32th minute, Kiyama's men conceded an opening goal. Two minutes later, Hayakawa made an equalizer with his stunning strike.

Six minutes after the break, Brodersen showed a fine saving. In the 56th minute, Kimura came off the bench to change the game. In the 62th minute, Tanaka nearly made a clincher. In the 71st minute, Iwabuchi's shot was ballooned over the cross bar. In the 80th minute, Kimura was not able to clinch the game. In the 86th minute, Iwabuchi was replaced by Motoyama. As a result, the game ended in a tie. 


Match Preview 24th Sec : VS Tochigi SC at Kanseki Stadium on July 14

On the opening day of J League, the club host the rival. After the kickoff, Okayama aggressively kept attacking forward. In the 30th minute, Kimura almost found the net.  In the 36th minute, he smash the net with his stunning opening goal. In the 42th minute, Sueyoshi failed to add a second. Right after the break, Iwabuchi's strike hit the cross bar. In the 81st minute, German goal keeper, Brodersen showed a superb saving. During the added time, Yanagi made a clincher so that the club brought a joy to their home stadium.

Former Japan International, Yano is one of the key players in Tochigi. This veteran forward can play as a target man when he comes in before the end of the game.


Match Review 23rd Sec : VS Vegalta Sendai at City Light Stadium on July 6

Okayama 2  Vegalta Sendai 0

The total attendance:15,269  

This sec, Takahashi started the game for the first time this sec. Kimura was on the reserve list. He was expected to conclude the game when he came in.

Six minutes after the kickoff, Takahashi's attempt was denied by the opponent. Three minutes later, he was not able to grasp another chance. Right after that, Iwabuchi almost opened the score. In the 14th minute, a corner was given to the visitors, but they failed to take a lead. In the 18th minute, Yanagi's attempt was off target. In the 24th minute, Lucas was replaced by Hayakawa due to his injury. In the 32th minute, Okayama took a lead with Iwabuchi's superb opener. In the 38th minute, Yanagi missed the chance to double their lead.

Five minutes after the break, Suzuki's strike was blocked by the Rival. In the 54th minute, Iwabuchi almost found the net. In the 63rd minute, Brodersen showed a fine saving. In the 65th minute, Kimura and Motoyama came of the bench. In the 73rd minute, Tagami added a second with his stunning strike. In the 76th minute, Brodersen made another fine saving. In the 82nd minute, Hayaka tried to add a third. Right after that, Motoyama's attempt was saved by Sendai's keeper. During the added time, Suzuki's shot was off target. Kiyama's men successfully kept a clean sheet against Sendai.


Match Preview 23rd Sec : VS Vegalta Sendai at City Light Stadium on July 6

On May 26th, Okayama visited Sendai. Seven minutes after the kickoff, a penalty was given to the opponent due to Okayama's handball. Sendai opened the score. In the 16th minute, Brodersen showed an excellent saving. In the 21st minute, Hayakawa smash the net with his stunning equalizer. One minute after the break, Iwabuchi made a clincher with his amazing strike. In the 60th minute, he was replaced by Kimura. In the 69th minute, Kimura added a third, crossed by Lucas. In the 75th minute, Wakasa and Tanaka came off the bench to secure their victory. In the 76th minute, Yanagi found the net. Afterwards, the red uniformed men made efforts for three points.

In order to catch up with the top group, Okayama are required to obtain three points. Former Sendai head coach, Kiyama must be highly motivated.


Match Review 22nd Sec : VS Shimizu S-Pulse at IAI Stadium on June 30

Okayama 1  Shimizu S-Pulse 3

The total attendance:13,759

This sec, Fujii and Tanaka were back in the starting line up. Captain, Takeuchi were expected to show a good performance against his former club. Former Fagiano attacker, Yajima was on the reserve list.

After the kickoff, Okayama struggled to have more ball possession. Six minutes after the kickoff, Brodersen showed an excellent saving. Four minutes later, Tanaka almost found the net. In the 20th minute, the visitors conceded an opening goal. In the 23th minute, Brodesen made another fine saving. In the 25th minute, Tanaka was not able to grasp another chance. In the 27th minute, Yanagi's attempt hit the cross bar. In the 42th minute, Iwabuchi smash the net with his superb strike. The first half ended in a tie.

Four minutes after the break, the opponent added a second. In the 53th minute, free kick was given to Kiyama's men, but Iwabuchi's set piece was off target. In the 57th minute, Brodesen made an excellent saving. Right after that, Tanaka was replaced by Kimura. In 66th minute, Kimura's shot was off target. In the 75th minute, Yajima came in. In the 79th minute, Okayama conceded a third by Yajima. Afterwards, the red-uniformed men were not able to equalize the game.