
Match Preview 33rd Sec : VS V・Varen Nagasaki at City Light Stadium on September 29

On May 12th, Okayama had a tied game against the rival. Right after the kickoff, Brodersen made an excellent saving. In the 7th minute, Iwabuchi almost smash the net. In the 25th minute,  Motoyama's strike was ballooned over the cross bar. In the 54th minute, Hayakawa came off the bench to change the game. Later, Hayakawa was not able to grasp two chances. In the 58th minute, Kimura almost found the net. In the 81st minute, Lucas missed the chance to open the score. In the 43th minute, Hayakawa failed to clinch the game.

In order to secure the tickets for the playoffs, Okayama were required to defeat the rival since it can be possible for the club to face the rival at playoffs.


Match Review 32nd Sec : VS Mito Hollyhock at K's Denki Stadium on September 22

Okayama 0  Mito Hollyhock 0

The total attendance:4,219 

This sec, Brazilian attacker, Lucas was back in the starting line-up. Kamiya and Kimura stood by on the reserve list. They were expected to clinch the game when coming in.

Two minutes after the kickoff, Luas got the cross from former Mito player, Suzuki, but he was not able to make a strike. In the 3rd minute, Tabei's attempt was blocked by the opponent. Two minutes later, Hayakawa nearly found the net. In the 18th minute, Brodersen made a fine saving. Two minutes later, Lucas's shot was over the bar. In the 28th minute, Lucas nearly open the score. Four minutes later, Iwabuchi's attempt was denied by the opponent. The first half ended in a scoreless tie.

Four minutes after the break, Hayakawa missed the chance for an opener. In the 50th minute, an penalty was given to Mito. Brodersen showed an amazing saving. In the 56th minute, Hayakawa almost smash the net. In the 61st minute, Kamiya and Takagi came off the bench. Six minutes later, Kimira came in. In the 77th minute, Takagi's strike was off target. In the 80th minute, Suzuki was not able to clinch the game. During the added time, Kamiya almost found the net. As a result, both club shared a point.


Match Preview 32nd Sec : VS Mito Hollyhock at K's Denki Stadium on September 22

On March 20th, the club host the rival. In the 11th minute, Brodersen made a good saving. Afterwards, the home club struggled to find the net. In the 40th minute, a penalty was given to Okayama and Gleyson brought a lead to his club. In the 43th minute, Iwabuchi almost double their lead. In the 49th minute, Gleyson missed to add a second.  In the 62th minute, Kimura came off the bench to secure their victory. Right after that, Brodersen showed another excellent blocking.  As a result, the red uniformed men completed three victories in a row.

Former Mito man, Suzuki must be highly motivated against his former club. He can be the key player for Okayama since he knows well about the rival club.


Match Review 31st Sec : VS Ehime FC at City Light Stadium on September 14

Okayama 3 Ehime FC 0

The total attendance:8,658 

This sec, Hayakawa and Tagami were back in the starting line-up. Former Ehime attacker, Kamiya were on the reserve list. He was expected to conclude the game.

Two minutes later, Suzuki's attempt was blocked by the opponent. Right after that, Iwabuchi almost found the net. In the 8th minute, Tagami open the score with his superb header. In the 23rd minute, Hayakawa failed to add a second. Right after that, Tabei's corner was denied by the opponent. Afterwards, Okayama struggled to create chances. In the 41st minute, Ichimi failed to double their lead. In the 43rd minute, Hayakawa's shot was saved by Ehime.

In the 52nd minute, Tagami's attempt was off target. In the 56th minute, Lucas and Kamiya came off the bench. Right after that, Lucas nearly found the net. In the 58th minute, Kamiya's shot was off target. In the 61st minute, Lucas's strike was ballooned over the bar. In the 72th minute, Iwabuchi added a second with his amazing strike. In the 82nd minute, Lucas made a clincher. As a result, the red-uniformed men obtained a three point. 


Match Preview 31st Sec : VS Ehime FC at City Light Stadium on September 14

On April 7th, Okayama visited Ehime. In the 12th minute, the visitors conceded an opening goal. In the 24th minute, Gleyson was not able to make an attempt, provided by Kimura. In the 31st minute, Sueyoshi almost found the net.  In the 68th minute, the game was equalized with Ehime's own goal. However, the red uniformed men conceded again. In the 76th minute, Lucas came off the bench. In the 76th minute, Yanagi nearly found the net. During the added time, Saito smash the net with his header. As a  result, the match ended in a tie.

This is PRIDE OF CHUSHIKOKU DERBY. In order for the club to get the ticket for the playoffs, the red-uniformed men are required to obtain three points.


Match Review 30th Sec : VS Blaublitz Akita at City Light Stadium on September 8

Okayama 0 Blaublitz Akita 1

The total attendance:7,215

This sec, Suzuki was back in the starting line-up. He was expected to create chances. Lucas and former Akita attacker, Saito were on the reseve list.

After the kickoff, the home club struggled to attack forward. In the 13th minute, Brodersen made a fine saving. In the 16th minute, a corner was given to Okayama but they were not able to grasp the chance. Two minutes later, Iwabuchi almost open the score, but it was denied by Akita's keeper. In the 29th minute,  Kiyama's men conceded an opening goal. In the 33th minute, Abe's attempt was ballooned over the bar. In the 40th minute, Iwabuchi's strike was off target. Right before the break, Yanagi missed the chance for an equalizer.

Kimura was replaced by Kamiya. In the 48th minute, Yanagi's strike was off target. In the 52th minute, Kamiya entered Akita's box and tried to make an equalizer. Right after that, Lucas came off the bench to change the game. In the 55th minute, Kamiya was not able to grasp another chance. In the 61st minute, Fujita's shot was off target. In the 65th minute, Tabei almost found the net. In the 74th minute, Saito came in. Two minutes later, Saito failed to score a goal. Afterwards, the red-uniformed men were not able to obtain a point.


Match Preview 30th Sec : VS Blaublitz Akita at City Light Stadium on September 8

On April 8th, Okayama shared a point with the rival. After the kickoff, they struggled to create chances even through they had more ball possession. In the 26th minute, Gleyson nearly found the net. In the 39th minute, Brodersen made a fine saving. The first half ended in a scoreless tie. Two minutes after the break, Brodersen showed another superb saving. In the 68th minute, Kimura showed a stunning counter attacking, but Iwabuchi was not able to receive his cross.  During the added time, Ota's attempt was off target, as a result, both shared a point.

Former Akita man, Saito, Wasawa and Abe must be motivated to face Akita. They know well about the rival club therefore they can be the key player for Okayama.


Match Review 29th Sec : VS Renofa Yamaguchi at Ishin Memorial Park Stadium on August 31

Okayama 2  Renofa Yamaguchi 0

The total attendance:11,575

This is PRIDE OF CHUSHIKOKU DERBY. This sec, Tabei and Kimura were back in the starting line-up. Lucas and  Kamiya stood as a substitute. While, former Okayama attacker, Sakai started the game.

One minute after the kickoff, Sueyoshi showed a good shot. Five minutes later, Iwabuchi almost opened the score. In the 6th minute, Kimura's attempt was ballooned over the bar. In the 9th minute, Brodersen made a fine saving. In the 19th minute, he showed another excellent saving. In the 27th minute, Tagami's attempt was
off target. In the 30th minute, Ichimi almost found the net. The first half ended in a scoreless tie.

Seven minutes after the break, Yanagi's strike was off target. In the 55th minute, Sueyoshi was not able to make an opener. In the 59th minute, Iwabuchi's strike was denied by Yamaguchi's goal keeper. In the 65th minute, Lucas came off the bench to change the game. In the 72th minute, he brought a lead to his team with his superb header. In the 77th minute, he added a second with his stunning strike. Five minutes later, Kimura was replaced by Kamiya. Later, Kiyama's men made efforts to keep a clean sheet against the opponent.