
Match Preview 31st Sec : VS Ehime FC at City Light Stadium on September 14

On April 7th, Okayama visited Ehime. In the 12th minute, the visitors conceded an opening goal. In the 24th minute, Gleyson was not able to make an attempt, provided by Kimura. In the 31st minute, Sueyoshi almost found the net.  In the 68th minute, the game was equalized with Ehime's own goal. However, the red uniformed men conceded again. In the 76th minute, Lucas came off the bench. In the 76th minute, Yanagi nearly found the net. During the added time, Saito smash the net with his header. As a  result, the match ended in a tie.

This is PRIDE OF CHUSHIKOKU DERBY. In order for the club to get the ticket for the playoffs, the red-uniformed men are required to obtain three points.

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