
Match Preview 21st Sec : VS Thespa Gunma at City Light Stadium on June 22

On March 24th, Okayama visited Gunma. In the 12th minute, Yanagi nearly hit the target with his shot. Right after that, Tanaka's strike was ballooned over the bar. In the 21st minute, Brodersen made an excellent saving. The first half ended in a scoreless tie. In the 48th minute, the visitors gave a lead to the opponent with their own goal. In the 53th minute, Semba made an equalizer with his superb strike. In the 69th minute, Xavier was sent onto the pitch to conclude the game. During the added time, he made a clincher with his stunning strike.

Former Fagiano forward, Kawamoto must be motivated to come back to Okayama. His speed and shooting ability are the ones to watch out for.

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