
Match Preview 29th Sec : VS Renofa Yamaguchi at Ishin Memorial Park Stadium on August 31

On March 10th, Okayama defeated the rival at City Light Stadium. After the kickoff, Okayama struggled to create chances. In the 13th minute, Suzuki almost found the net. In the 33rd minute, Abe showed a good blocking to avoid being conceded. The first half ended in a scoreless tie. Four minutes after the break, Kimura's attempt was off target. In the 55th minute, Gleyson almost found the net.In the 82th minute, a corner was given to the home club. Tanaka smash the net with his superb goal. As a result, the red-uniformed men kept a clean sheet.

Former Fagiano attacker, Sakai can be the one to watch out for. He's been present as the choice since he joined the club. The red-uniformed men are required to mark him with an extra care.


Match Review 28th Sec : VS Oita Trinita at City Light Stadium on August 24

Okayama 0 Oita Trinita 0

The total attendance:8,595 



This sec, Hayakawa was back in the starting line-up. He was expected to improve the club's attacking. Tabei and Takagi were back on the bench. They were expected to bring a change to the club.

After the kickoff, the club struggled to create chances. While, the red-uniformed defenders made efforts. In the 19th minute, Ichimi showed a good defending. In the 23rd minute, he nearly found the net, but it was saved by Oita's goal keeper. In the 27th minute, Abe's attempt was off target. In the 34th minute, Tagami made a good blocking. In the 38th minute, Brodersen made a fine saving. In the 41th minute, Suzuki's strike was ballooned over the cross bar. In the 42nd minute, Hayata almost opened the score.

After the break, the game remained the same. In the 59th minute, Sueyoshi's cross was cleared by the opponent. Right after that, Kimura and Tabei In the 60th minute, Iwabuchi nearly smash the net. In the 72nd minute, Ichimi was replaced by Tanaka. In the 73rd minute, Suzuki missed the chance to clinch the game, cornered by Tabei. In the 85th, Kiyama sent Yanagi, Saito and Takagi onto the pitch. However, Kiyama's men were not able to obtain three points.


Match Preview 28th Sec : VS Oita Trinita at City Light Stadium on August 24

On March 30th, the club visited Oita. In the 8th minute, Abe's header was blocked by the opponent. Right after that, Kimura nearly found the net. In the 27th minute, Yanagi tried to open the score. In the 43th minute, Tanaka's strike was ballooned over the crossbar. Six minutes after the break, Yanagi was sent off. Right after that, Kawano came off the bench to cover up for Yanagi.  In the 78th minute, Brodersen showed a fine saving. During the added time, Brodersen made another amazing saving. As a result, both club shared a point.

Oita's ace striker, Nagasaki can be the one to watch out for. He can play as a target man so that the red uniformed men are required to mark him with an extra care.


Match Review 27th Sec : VS Tokushima Vortis at Pocarisweat Stadium on August 17

Okayama  1  Tokushima Vortis 1

The total attendance:10,061

This sec, Kamiya started the game for the first time since he joined the club. Kimura and Tanaka were on the reserve list. They were expected to change the game.

Six minutes after the kickoff, Okayama were conceded an opening goal. Later, the home club struggled to create chances. In the 13th minute, Tagami showed a fine blocking. In the 15th minute, a corner was given to Okayama but, Kamiya's corner was cleared by the opponent. In the 16th minute, Iwabuchi smash the net with his superb header. In the 21st minute, Saga's attempt was off target. In the 32th minute, Motoyama almost added a second. In the 40th minute, Brodersen showed a fine saving.

Four minutes after the break, Suzuki nearly made a clincher. In the 55th minute, Brodersen showed a nice saving. In the 59th minute, Kimura and Takahashi came off the bench to conclude the game. In the 64th minute, Suzuki's shot was off target. In the 67th minute, Brodersen made another amazing saving. Four minutes later, Tagami failed to find the net. In the 88th minute, Ichimi was not able to conclude the game. During the added time, Ichimi's header was denied by the opponent. The match ended in a tie.


Match Preview 27th Sec : VS Tokushima Vortis at Pocarisweat Stadium on August 17

On May 6rd, the club were defeated by the rival. After the kickoff, the home club struggled to create chances and stop Tiago's attacking. In the 13th minute, Lucas's strike was off target. In the 38th minute, Kimura nearly opened the score. In the 42th minute, Kiyama's men conceded an opener. However, right before the break, Motoyama scored a superb equalizer.  Four minutes after the break, Okayama conceded a second. In the 61st minute, Semba's strike hit the post. In the 79th minute, Kimura nearly found the net. Later, the red-uniformed men failed to equalize the match.

The rival's key player is Tiago. This attacker used to play for Okayama. His speed can be the threat for Okayama. The red-uniformed men are required to mark him with an extra care.


Match Review 26th Sec : VS JEF United Chiba at City Light Stadium on August 10

Okayama 0  JEF United Chiba 0

The total attendance:9,076

This sec, Kimura was back in the starting line-up. He was expected to activate the team's attacking. A new signing, Kamiya was on the reserve list. He was expected to conclude the match when he came in.

Five minutes after the kickoff, a free kick was given to the home team, but they were not able to grasp the chance. Later, they had more ball possession. In the 16th minute, Iwabuchi almost found the net, however it was saved by Chiba's keeper. In the 25th mintue, Kimura tried to enter Chiba's box but failed. In the 38th minute, Brodersen made a fine saving. In 45th minute, Iwabuchi took the target, but it was blocked by the rival.

Nine minutes after the break, Saga nearly opened the score. In the 63th minute, Kimura tried to create a chance but he failed. Right after that, he was replaced by Kamiya. In the 82th mimute, Takeuchi showed a good blocking. In the 83rd minute, Ota and Yanagi came off the bench to clinch the game. In the 86th minute, Brodersen showed another fine saving.  The match ended in a scoreless tie.


Match Preview 26th Sec : VS JEF United Chiba at City Light Stadium on August 10

On June 1st, Okayama were not able to defeat Chiba again at Fukuda Denshi Arena. In the 18th minute, Okayama conceded an opener. Afterwards, the red uniformed men were mostly forced to play on their own side. Before the break, Brodersen made a superb saving. In the 55th minute, Brodersen showed another excellent saving. One minute after that, Iwabuchi smash the net with his stunning equalizer. Right after that, Kimura came in to change the game but, in the 67th minute, the rival made a clincher. As a result, Okayama were not able to make the first victory at Fukuda Denshi Arena in their club's history.

Former Chiba attacker, Sueyoshi must be highly motivated to take the revenge of the loss at the last meeting with Chiba. Therefore, he is expected to smash the net.


Match Review 25th Sec : VS Montedio Yamagata SC at City Light Stadium on August 3

Okayama 1 Montedio Yamagata 1

The total attendance:7,214

This sec, head coach, Kiyama placed two new signings, Ichimi and Saga in the starting line-up. Another new  signing, Kamiya were on the reserve list.  They were expected to improve the club's strength.

After the kickoff, Okayama aggressively kept attacking forward. In the 5th minute, Wakasa's attempt was blocked by the opponent. In the 10th minute, Tagami was not able to grasp another chance. In the 16th minute, Ichimi almost found the net. Right after that, Wakasa tried to opened the score. In the 21st minute, Saga's shot was denied by the rival. Three minutes later, Takauchi nearly scored a goal. In the 38th minute, Ichimi tried to take a lead, but it was blocked by former Fagiano centre back, Abe. The first half ended in a scoreless tie.

Tanaka was replaced by Kimura. Right after the break, Iwabuchi's strike was ballooned over the bar. In the 48th minute, Iwabuchi tried to hit the target, but it was blocked by Abe again. In the 52nd minute, Yanagi failed to find the net. Right after that, Suzuki smash the net with his superb opener. However, four minutes later, the game was equalized. In the 66th minute, Ichimi was not able to make a clincher. In the Kamiya and Takahashi came off the bench. In the 80th minute, Ichimi's attempt was off target. As a result, the game ended in a tie.


Match Preview 25th Sec : VS Montedio Yamagata SC at City Light Stadium on August 3

On May 3rd, Okayama shared a point with Yamagata. After the kickoff, the visitors aggressively kept attacking forward. In the 6th minute, Iwabuchi almost found the net. In the 11th minute, he failed to grasp another chance. The first half ended in a scoreless tie. Six minutes after the break, Gleyson smash the net with his superb opening goal. Right after that, Iwabuchi was not able to double their lead. In the 58th minute, the game was equalized.  In the 65th minute, Tanaka and Semba came off the bench to conclude the game. In the 73th minute, Tanaka added a second with his excellent strike. During the added time, the game was shockingly equalized by the rival.

Former Fagiano attacker, Fujimoto must be motivated. He can be the key player for this match. The red-uniformed men are required to mark him with an extra care.