
Match Preview 28th Sec : VS Oita Trinita at City Light Stadium on August 24

On March 30th, the club visited Oita. In the 8th minute, Abe's header was blocked by the opponent. Right after that, Kimura nearly found the net. In the 27th minute, Yanagi tried to open the score. In the 43th minute, Tanaka's strike was ballooned over the crossbar. Six minutes after the break, Yanagi was sent off. Right after that, Kawano came off the bench to cover up for Yanagi.  In the 78th minute, Brodersen showed a fine saving. During the added time, Brodersen made another amazing saving. As a result, both club shared a point.

Oita's ace striker, Nagasaki can be the one to watch out for. He can play as a target man so that the red uniformed men are required to mark him with an extra care.

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