
Match Preview 26th Sec : VS JEF United Chiba at City Light Stadium on August 10

On June 1st, Okayama were not able to defeat Chiba again at Fukuda Denshi Arena. In the 18th minute, Okayama conceded an opener. Afterwards, the red uniformed men were mostly forced to play on their own side. Before the break, Brodersen made a superb saving. In the 55th minute, Brodersen showed another excellent saving. One minute after that, Iwabuchi smash the net with his stunning equalizer. Right after that, Kimura came in to change the game but, in the 67th minute, the rival made a clincher. As a result, Okayama were not able to make the first victory at Fukuda Denshi Arena in their club's history.

Former Chiba attacker, Sueyoshi must be highly motivated to take the revenge of the loss at the last meeting with Chiba. Therefore, he is expected to smash the net.

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